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The black and white wings of Cupid IPosted By Tedoshirikarin  (23rd Nov 22 at 12:55am)

His eagle-like eyes were empty. He took off the woman's teasing hand and pecked her fingertips. "I'm the same. I really want to stab the knife into someone's body. It doesn't matter who it is. As long as there is blood and flesh, it will scream. It doesn't matter whether he is a man, a woman or a shemale. Anyone can do it." His eyes began to become a little wild, and a strange desire burned in the dark pupils, burning more and more, as if to devour people. He really wanted to kill someone, but he looked so hallucinatory at the moment that the beauty in front of him was so excited that he would misunderstand. Really? Anyone? How can such a thing as'stabbing 'be better with a woman than with a man? She breathed hot air in his ear. He looked confusedly at the beautiful sister who was hinting at him, and it took him a long time to understand that there had been a lovely verbal misunderstanding between them. He suddenly felt funny, so he buried his head under his shoulders and giggled. Like this, it's like a child. The beautiful sister was also confused by his smile. "What are you laughing at?" He looked up and gave her an ambiguous smile. "When I say knife, I mean this." I don't know when he flashed the silver butterfly knife. The light of the knife reflected a silver on the face of the beautiful sister. She was startled and cursed to leave. He raised his chin slightly and looked at the thin blade carefully. His eyes were blurred and lazy. His fingers ran gently across the sharp blade. There was a burning pain. The red blood burst on his fingertips and splashed in the red wine. He was in a daze for a moment. Only these people who live in darkness can not mistake his identity. For Du Yimin and the Du family, all they want is a Du Qianyong, who is just an unexpected and unwelcome by-product of Du Qianyong's birth. If he is not too vindictive, if he is not like a clown beating gongs and drums, his existence or not, it does not matter at all. When did you begin to realize this? Then began to envy, began to resent, began to indulge more and more, and began to maliciously target his innocent brother? Yes, Du Qianyong is so innocent that he has never hurt him, but has been hurt by him again and again,High Speed Nail Making Machine, and has never fought back. So everyone naturally sympathized with Du Qianyong more, so his hatred and jealousy naturally came out of control. Why can Du Qianyong always be so calm in the face of change? Even though, when she died.. No, today's wine seems to have been washed with tons of water, which did not make him a little drunk, but made him more and more sober. The women and men who kept running to chat up, without exception,Nail Making Machine manufacturers, all meant that, but he was not in that mood at all now. Ending his futile drunkenness, he once again aimlessly returned to the bustling Midnight Avenue. The intense light flooded into his chaotic vision, so intense that his defenseless eyes were forced to half squint. From the light source, it is Du Qianyong's figure, as dazzling as the sun. In the department store, there are dozens of TV sets, big, small, digital, flat screen, rear projection, home theater.. All of them are Du Qianyong's images! In the program, Du Qianyong, wearing the same white shirt as himself, Nail machine manufacturer ,Iron Nail Making Machine, is incredibly clean, fresh and elegant. He releases his princely smile in front of reporters and photographers. He stood still in the doorway, and the cold air rushed up, as if to push him down! Du Qianyong's voice, though only a few cold words, attacked his brain like a magic spell! On the TV, on the big screen, on the cover of Fortune magazine, in people's pupils.. Du Qianyong is everywhere! He had naively thought that the night was his territory, and that he could be safe and free in the night when the sun disdained to patronize him, because the sun would not burn him. However, this night, he was suddenly surrounded by Du Qianyong, was forced back, was caught off guard, routed! Du Qianyong, the mighty Du Qianyong, so melancholy and graceful, quietly, expelled him from his last refuge. The world belongs to that person, day or night, the gap between day and night. There is no room for him. Exactly so.
"When asked by reporters, Du Qianyong on TV answered that his eyes were bound to win.". He suddenly staggered back, turned, and began to run. In the night, he was like an outlaw, with his clothes flying close to his body, his hair dancing wildly, his heavy breathing in disorder, and everything was so crazy and awkward! Who? Who is there? Somebody help him! He could not remember how far he had run, how long, as he leaned wearily against a tree and felt sorry for himself, he looked up and saw a familiar soft light. He froze and laughed. Jia Ye. How could he come here without thinking? The dim yellowish light gently swam into the corner of his eyes and into his heart, driving away fatigue and panic, leaving a touch of tranquility. He has been so watching, carefully and seriously watching, gradually, no longer think how pitiful he is, his mind began to wonder, what is the girl doing? Have you just come back and changed your clothes? Or in the shower? How would she look if he called now? Ha, you must be frowning and looking impatient. He would accuse him of harassing her at the wrong time, and then he could answer in a disgusting way: Because suddenly I want to hear your voice. He laughed, took out his cell phone and pressed the familiar number, but hesitated at the moment the phone was connected. Hello Jia Ye on the other end of the phone asked, his voice was familiar with helplessness and anger, "Snake?" He listened to her voice quietly and did not speak. Hello? Are you dumb? If it's a prank call,Automatic nail machine, I'll hang up now! "Jia Ye." She waited patiently for him to speak. Guess where I am now? He squatted down against the street tree, making sure he was a little drunk and playing such a boring game. Have you been drinking? "Eh?"? How do you know? Know me so well? His tone is very smug, but why do you feel very comfortable in your heart.

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